Interface to strong partners

More freedom for the optimum solution

With our telematics services, we endeavour to achieve top-level efficiency. Here, we trust in the support by various partners. With the help of the Fleetboard Web services interface, our partners develop and distribute high-performance products and services, which complement your company.

Support tailored to your requirements

Evaluation and billing

KROB software s.r.o.
AUTOPLAN Car Logbook application allows bulk import of TripRecordService and PosService data for it's further processing.

modulon Webservice GmbH
By using the FleetBoard Time Management data Modulon calculates monthly payments to the driver as expenses or tax-free supplements.

PROCON DATA Datenverarbeitungs Gesellschaft mbH
ETA/EAT arrival time forecasting, immobilisation time analysis, -monitoring & billing, daily expenses & extra account calculation, workingtime control according collective agreements for AT & DE, minimum wage analyses, telematic SQL data warehouse, business intelligent interface.

Pro Cont Sales AG
Expense Report, Automated expense report with allowable times (eg night hours), working time account and customer requirements.

Freight exchanges and monitoring

Gatehouse Logistics A/S
ghTrack extracts telematics data from web services offered by Daimler to their customers, enabling them to share these data on per tour basis with third parties.

TimoCom Soft- und Hardware GmbH
The interface integrates and unifies different telematics data on one map on the transport platform.

Tour planning and optimization

Astrata Europe B.V.
Integration of the Fleetboard vehicles in the tracking Astrata solution and positions followed ETA Fleetfence and his successor TripMonitor

C-Informationssysteme GmbH
A fully automated data exchange is performed over the Internet between the server of TMS C-Logistic and the Fleetboard telematics server. In the process, the order data is transferred together with the loading and unloading instructions (e.g. tour number, stopover & transit stations, information on the transport goods, free text messages).

Doll + Leiber GmbH
Tour planning and tracking with direct placement of order to the truck including graphic scheduling, position finding and status notification.

Dr. Malek Software GmbH
The interface between Fleetboard and M3 Logisticware® provides the option of a bilateral communication between the dispatch office and the driver. It, thus, permits the transfer of order data to the driver and the receiving of status information on the order, GPS positions, and remaining driving times.

GPI (Gestion Plus Informatique)
We have developed an interface with Fleetboard to recover the daily kms of vehicles, the wear of brakes and preventive maintenance.

Logistische Informationssysteme AG
Sending texts, tours, orders and sscc. Receipt of locations, texts, status messages and driver data.

Qivalon GmbH
The fuelling planner app imports the destinations and the planned route from the navigation in order to determine the optimum fuelling recommendation. In addition, the current fuel level and the consumption determined from the FMS data are considered in the fuelling planning. Fuelling recommendations can be inserted into the navigation as a stopover.

SGA is the innovative solution for transport, shipping and logistic companies, open to any integration, absolutely technological and cusomizable.

Soloplan GmbH
Transfer of tours and messages to Fleetboard. Return of statuses, GPS positions, driving times and messages.

TRANSDATA Software GmbH & Co. KG
Transfer of order/tour data to telematics and import of feedback on loading/unloading times, driving and rest times, etc. in Komalog.

Wolf Software e.K. 
Transportmanagement, driving time, rest and period service, messaging service and position service.

Yellowstar Solutions
The interface sends the tour information and is processing the information from the board computers automatically in the planning and insight systems. Position information is used for ETA calculation and to inform the planner and driver of changes in the planning.

Partner Overview

Astrata Europe B.V.

C-Informationssysteme GmbH

Doll + Leiber GmbH

Dr. Malek Software GmbH

GateHouse Logistics A/S

GPI (Gestion Plus Informatique)

KROB software s.r.o.

Logistische Informationssysteme AG

modulon Webservice GmbH

PROCON DATA Datenverarbeitungs Gesellschaft mbH

Pro Cont Sales AG

Qivalon GmbH


Soloplan GmbH

TimoCom Soft- und Hardware GmbH

TRANSDATA Software GmbH & Co. KG

Wolf Software e.K.

Yellowstar Solutions